Pre-Launch Event for Keighley Business Awards 2014

Since the Keighley Business Awards 2013 back in May this year we’ve been taking stock and looking back on the success of the first ever business awards for Keighley. We’ve had some fantastic feedback including constructive criticism that we’ve taken on board and tried to improve on. Over the last couple of months the steering committee has returned with some old and new members. All keen to see what we can do with next years event.

Already we’ve had some great interest in the sponsorship of the awards and communications are already coming in from businesses wanting to enter the awards for 2014.

With that in mind, we can tell you that the next Keighley Business Awards 2014 will be held at the newly refurbished Victoria Hall in Keighley and will be on Friday 16th May 2014.

This time though we’re holding a pre-launch event at Victoria Hall as an informational evening. On the night we’ll be revealing the categories you can enter, how to enter them, sponsorship information and much more. It will also be a fantastic opportunity to network with local businesses and meet the steering group for the awards. The pre-launch event will be held on Tuesday 14th January 2014.

If you would like to attend the pre-launch event please register here.