Pre-Launch Success
Despite the cancellation 2 weeks prior to the awards due to snow the pre-launch was a success and well attended. Chris Stott, Head of Business Engagement for Keighley College kicked off the proceedings with a few words about how they work with local businesses. Councillor Khadim Hussain then followed with a roundup of his experience with the awards in previous years and the affect it has had on the local community. We then heard from Helena Gerwitz from Feature Radiators, last years Business of the Year. Helena told us how winning the top award has promoted their business.
Steven Burles and Howard Martin Joint Chairs of the Keighley Business Awards 2016 then followed with all the details on submitting an entry, judging and sponsorship.
We are now accepting entries. You can submit them online here or you may download a PDF version of the entry form and post it to us. If you require any help whatsoever with your application please contact Wendy Spender at Airedale Enterprise Services on 01535 607775. The deadline for entries is the 6th May 2016.
Sponsorships are still available but moving fast. If you are at all interested in sponsorship please contact us via this form and we’ll discuss the opportunities with you.